Other Excursions

Reach Truth is offered through the ministry of Portland Fellowship. To learn more about this Portland, Oregon based ministry, please visit our website: www.portlandfellowship.com
Another online ministry tool you may want to consider is www.takingbackground.com. This online version was formed from our onsite Portland Fellowship program.
For family and friends that have loved ones who embrace a gay identity, we offer a video series to encourage and support you. This series will help you love well while holding to principles of biblical sexuality and identity. www.hopegrouponline.com
Many look for a forum to connect with others walking in freedom from same-sex attractions. For a helpful forum based in Texas, visit Living Hope Ministries at www.livehope.org
For online software that helps protect you from internet pornography, visit any of the following sites: www.covenanteyes.com - www.xxxchurch.com - www.safeeyes.com