Dear Potential Mentor,
Perhaps you can remember someone who made a deep impression on you – by teaching you a new appreciation of something, or by encouraging you when you were having difficulty, or by walking with you through a difficult time in your life. Being a ReachTruth mentor does not require you to be an expert on homosexuality or counseling. It does require you to be willing to journey with another person, to pray with them, and to share from the life experience and learning that God has given you. You have an opportunity to make a lasting impression on a young man or woman, and in serving them, to serve Christ himself. (Matthew 25:40).
Interested? Here is what you will need to do:

Get your passport:
This will give us the basic information about who you are and assign you an ID and Password for the series. All information is kept confidential. The only time we will break confidence is for the following reasons: You indicate that you plan to harm yourself or someone else; you are planning to commit a crime, if we have knowledge of child abuse.
Intake Form
After getting your passport, you will be asked a series of personal questions for us to better understand who you are and to make sure you are a good fit for mentoring. This information is only available to the staff of Reach We ask some personal questions to ensure the safety of everyone using this program. Qualifications for Mentoring is simple. You need to have a desire to care for the person asking to be mentored. This means to spend time in the program listening and praying for your participant. It means offering wisdom and life experiences throughout the process. We ask that mentors are at least 21 years old, but prefer older men and women who have life experience to offer. As a mentor, you need to have active support and accountability in your own life - people who know both you victories and your failings. Above all... we don't want any harm to come to anyone being mentored. Please prayerfully consider your involvement.
Application Pending
After you enter your information, we will wait to hear from the person you are mentoring. Once they sign up, we will connect you both - then your mentoree will be set to go.

There are 20 destinations in this journey. To take a peek at the different titles, click here. When you walk through a lesson (or destination), you will respond to your mentoree's comments. You don't have to respond perfectly, just be real. With 20 lessons, the minimum commitment is 20 weeks.
We know there are those that will struggle with what to say or how to respond to a specific question. With this in mind we give assistance to help you the mentor. Almost every questions has a "help" button that will aid you in your response. We mentor the mentor! After you finish responding to your mentoree's destination, an email will be sent informing him or her to view what you wrote and then go to the next destination.
When your mentoree finishes a destination, they will be asked to wait at least 5 days before beginning the next destination. These 5 days are what we call: “Be Still”
During the 5 days between destinations, you and your mentoree will receive emails that reflect a part of the destination that was just worked on. This will give you both some questions to think about, activities to consider, and prayers to pray.
Again, your student will need to wait 5 days AND will require you to finish responding to their destination before they can move on to their next Destination. So, please stay current with your mentoree throughout this process.
Please don’t hesitate to communicate with the Reach Truth team if you have any confusion on how this program works.
In Him,
The Reach Truth Team