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Travel Plan

Dear Friend,

Before you begin this page, if you are over the age of 25, you may want to consider going through our Taking Back Ground program, designed for older audiences.

We are excited that you found this program and are considering going on this journey to find hope, encouragement, and truth for your life. Thousands of people struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions and are looking for support that leads them to a life that pleases the Lord and leads them into victory. It’s not an accident that you have landed here and we know God will continue to lead you on this amazing journey.

Please take a moment and watch this introduction.

Now, please take a moment and watch a short video of a friend who made the difficult decision to trust God and pursue healing and transformation.

If you’ve ever taken a trip you know that it takes a bit of preparation and research to make it the best trip it can be. One of the first questions people ask is, "How much does this cost?" We want to make this as affordable as possible, but also keep the site going as well as encourage you to personally invest in your own process. Therefore we will only ask a $25 administrative fee for the entire program. Mentors and participants 17 years and younger will not need to pay this admin fee. And of course, anyone is welcome to donate anytime while inside the program. If you are not going through the program, but desire to donate to this amazing work, please do so by going to We have made an informal preview of the interworkings of this program.


Some people take trips by themselves, but this journey cannot be done alone. It is vital to include at least one other in your journey. With this in mind, we ask that you seek a mentor to partner with you. A mentor is someone who has experienced life a bit longer than you and can offer spiritual guidance, practical insight, prayer, and genuine encouragement. We highly recommend it be someone of the same gender and with someone you trust. This can include a parent, a relative, a pastor, a counselor, or a family friend. Before you sign up, encourage them to come to this website and consider supporting you through this process. (If you have been asked to be a mentor and want more information on what is asked of you, please continue reading this page, and then click here for more details)

Get your Passport

This will give us the basic information about who you are and allow you to sign in with your email and chosen password. All information is kept confidential. The only time we will break confidence is for the following reasons: You indicate that you plan to harm yourself or someone else, you are planning to commit a crime, or if we have knowledge of child abuse.

Intake Form

After getting your passport, you will be asked a few personal questions for your mentor to better understand who you are, what you struggle with, and how they can assist you. This information is only available to you, your mentor, and the staff of Reach If you are under 18, please have your mentor connect with your parents to affirm their involvement. Then, if you are the participant 18 and older, you will pay the admin fee.

Application Pending

After this is done, we will wait to hear from your mentor. Once he or she signs up, we will send you an email letting you know that your journey has begun.


There are 20 destinations in this journey. To take a peek at the different titles, click here. Now, when you walk through a lesson (or destination), you will write refelections online to the questions asked. You will also have the chance to watch videos that highlight the destination.

After you complete your destination, an email will go to your mentor letting him/her know that they can now view what you wrote and then THEY will get a chance to respond to what you shared. When they are finished, you will receive an email that lets you know they are done. At that time, you will reflect on their comments and then begin the next destination. If you want to dialogue about their comments, you can do so through a private "Message Wall" found inside the program (or in person if able).

One More Thing

When you finish a destination, you will be asked to wait at least 5 days before beginning the next destination. These 5 days are what we call: “Be Still”

Scripture says, “Be still and know that I am God”, Psalm 46:10 – and “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him”, Psalm 37:7 and also “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

During the 5 days between destinations, you will receive email's each day that reflect a part of the destination you just worked on. This will give you some questions to think about, activities to consider, and prayers to speak. You are encouraged to journal these “Be Still” items or share them with your mentor via email or in person.

Again, you will need to wait 5 days AND a response from your mentor before moving on to the next Destination.

Please don't hesitate to communicate with the Reach Truth team if you have any confusion on how this program works. You will have a link available throughout the program, but if you need to connect now with a question, click here

We pray your journey is blessed by the Lord and we pray your life is transformed by His grace.

In Him,
Jason Thompson
Founder of
Producer of
Executive Director of Portland Fellowship

If you are ready to begin your journey, get your passport!

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